Saturday, March 6, 2010

Pediatric Surgery

I finished up Psychiatry and Neurology last month and moved on to 'The Big One' : my surgery rotation. I am currently on the pediatric surgery rotation at Nationwide Children's hospital and am loving every minute of it. I have seen a lot of really cool things this week. Yesterday I spent about 12 hours in the OR and then took call overnight and got to scrub into an emergent perforated duodenal ulcer repair. I have seen repairs for kids whose insides were on their outsides because their abdominal walls didn't form correctly (Gastoschisis), bowel resections, splenectomies, skin grafting, appendectomies, incision and drainage of abcsesses, feeding tube placements and takedowns and a variety of other procedures. Surgery at the student level consists of a lot of retracting, cutting and tying off sutures which may seem pretty menial to most of the other students but I love every minute of it.

Last night we were performing an exploratory laparotomy, which is just a large open midline incision and exploration of the abdominal cavity and organs, on a poor little kid who was pretty sick. The kid's CT showed free air in the abdomen which is a sign that there is a hole in the GI tract somewhere. This can be a life threatening condition so we operated in the middle of the night. The surgeon's found and patched a perforated ulcer in the patient's duodenum. At one point the surgeon asked me to stick my left hand inside the abdomen and check for adhesions around the liver and asked me if I felt anything. It was nice and smooth. "You're a surgeon now." he joked.

The surgeons at Children's are great. They are all very friendly, remember my name and try to teach me new things even at 4:00am when I'm sure they would rather just hurry as fast as they can and go back to bed. The patients are great, too. We have operated on kids from 6 months to 20 years old so far.

I think the most incredible thing about pediatric surgery is the hope that these people can provide to these patients and their families. I can imagine nothing more nerve racking or devastating than finding out that your child has a major birth defect or has been severely injured and needs a major operation. Wonderful advancements in surgical technology have turned potentially catastrophic problems into manageable conditions, many of which have very good outcomes.

Pediatric surgery is a 2 year fellowship which is completed after a 5-6 year general surgery fellowship. It is extremely competitive to get into and most fellows have taken time off for research. Essentially, most fellows have around 10 years of training after medical school by the time they are done with pediatric surgery training.

Update: At this point I am planning my 4th year courses to prepare to apply to General Surgery residency. I will blog more about my decision in a little while.

1 comment:

The Garber Family said...

I think you would be a great pediatric surgeon. It seems to match your personality well -- the desire you have to have more of a relationship with families.